Fantastically Flavorful Wild Mushroom Ragu Cigars

Cigars are symbolic in a variety of ways including refinement, success and celebration. They are typically reserved for special occasions, but our Mushroom Cigars allow you to make any meal special. This vegetarian menu item delivers an eye-opening and palate-watering first impression due to its sublime presentation on the plate.

Our mushroom cigars are filled with our chef’s homemade wild mushroom ragu finely rolled to seal in the flavor. Like their real cigar counterparts, this dish offers a beautiful scent that further prepares you for the one-of-a-kind dining experience you’re about to have. And that comes in part from our Baharat spice blend.

Baharat Spice Blend

Every ingredient in our Baharat spice mix provides its own distinct taste and scent to enhance the mushroom ragu used in our cigars. The spices used consist of black pepper, cumin, ground cloves, allspice, cinnamon, coriander & nutmeg.

Also rolled into our Mushroom Cigars are pine nuts to provide a contrast in texture. Any good cigar should be complemented by elements like a fine drink, which is why ours are served with harissa, tahini and schug to give our wild mushroom ragu several different flavor profiles for you to choose from.

The Mushroom Cigars at 19 Cleveland are available to indulge in 7 days a week at our Nolita NYC location.